Saturday, August 22, 2009

something very different in style

I need a title for this one......
48 x 72 inches.
that's 4 x 6 feet.....almost a sheet of dry wall.

I did this using only a 2 inch normal house brush. ( except for the spots. )
I wanted something colorful....and with movement and speed..... for my empty wall.

The face is totally off.........there are no whiskers..but I wanted a simple naive look..

I know it is totally different in style of what I do...but this was a hoot to do....
No waiting for the paint to cleaning up my airbrush after each change of colors....yay!
Total freedom !

And..I will have something on my wall. :)
Oh this is a king cheetah........very rare cheetah.maybe 20 only in the world.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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