Saturday, August 15, 2009

Test Of Patience

Some days it just doesn't work out.

I was waiting all day yesterday for the prints for the Kennair Foundation .
They didn't come ?
I called the shipping around 4 pm......but it was no use arguing with them...telling them I was at home all day.
Seems the delivery guy didn't want to go to the second floor with the packages ?( total of 84 pounds )
Yes paper is heavy !!

I am also waiting on a pret-a-photo to do 25 prints for the wildcat sanctuary.
That didn't come in also.
I hope it was not lost in the costed me a bundle....and I can not take anymore photos, as I do not have the painting anymore.
Also if I don't get them printed I will louse my deposit.

I favored the deposit for the prints to my internet bill........that is why I was off line.
* sigh*

I finished my zebra head painting Thursday morning.
I didn't start another I was waiting for the Prints yesterday...and I was scheduled to sign them the rest of the day and evening.
So this morning...I will look through my blank canvases to see what I can start.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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