Just a thought this morning…….
Why is it when some Artists say they are professionals…then take months to do ONE painting.
( I am not talking about masterpieces here…full of interminable details… )
Having excuses…..eg: I am tired…….too busy..etc…I am sick…..
To me…….. being a professional artist …….as in all professions, is to work even if your not feeling good, if it was a paying job, you would have to go to work anyways..or louse your job.
I takes discipline…lots of it !
Free time is a bonus….if you choose free time over working on your artist profession…...well you will not go far.
If you get stuck on a painting…( this happens )..put it aside and start another one.
Only the most successful fine artists are able to support themselves solely through the sale of their works. Most fine artists have at least one other job to support their art careers.
Self-employed artists can set their own hours. They may spend much time and effort selling their artwork to potential customers or clients and building a reputation.
You have to be serious about the choice you made.
No one will take you seriously if you do 10 paintings a year.
Another thing that bugs me
….why ask for suggestions as how to finish your painting half way your painting is done..???
If it was in your head…why ask..just do it.
The more you ask around……….the more you will get different suggestions.
When you paint………. be willing to think over any good advice but ……..there is a danger that you may drift from your artistic course and loose the freshness of your idea. Be confident….. yet relaxed and use whatever technique in order that your inner artistic spirit is in control.
Do as you ‘’feel’’ it….it is part of you…right !!?? …and not every Tom, Dick and Hairy’s way of seeing. YOUR art.
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