Saturday, September 26, 2009

carp series are finished

well..I may do one or two more.....not sure yet :)

The first one is 12 x 36 inches.
Kawarimono Carp

The second one is 20 x 20 inches
Tancho Sanke Carp

And the third is 30 x 30 inches
Doitsu Carp.

I am doing a ''zen moments ''page on my website today.and theses will on them along with the Koi Pond.

I hope you enjoy these !

Have a good weekend !

Sunday, September 20, 2009

another ''zen'' painting on the roll :)

Sketch on black Canson pastel paper.....of the 30 x 30 inch painting I will start maybe Tomorrow.

I think I will do a small series of what I will call '' The Zen moments ''
I will do them in different they can be accessible to everyone.
I find them relaxing to paint..and to look at.
I get lost in thoughts of peace and tranquility .
Things and times like this in our hectic world are rare.

All of them will have black leave anyone's imagination as to what lies in the depths of the water.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A fun week !

I am happy with this took about 40 hours +/-
I didn't time myself...but this was fun to do !
I sort of got lost in time with details...dreaming of having a pond like this one day.
I can see myself sitting drinking coffee in the morning......feeding the carps....listening to the birds signing.....ahhhhhhhhh.
This painting is quiet I am hopeful the person who hangs this on their wall...will get lost in what I had visioned.
30 x 60 inches.
2 1/2 x 5 feet

Finished the 18th 9 pm.

** as on the photos for a larger view *

Have a good weekend :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

taking a big bite.........

click to see larger

Well after doing the under-painting ( the first step.. ) here is where I am at.....
Sort of a big the big bite.....will I able to do this ...can I swallow the big bite I took ?
2 1/2 x 5 feet.
30 x 60 inches.
Maybe 36 hours and + to go on this one......Details....details.........and more details !
I know it looks crappy right now.....but this will change.
I f you see an arrow on on of the lily pads..that has to be changed to a wider one ( this was my reference on the photo I took to see the perspective )

The second photo is part ( beginning ) of the details that will be painted...water effects..bubbles.....ect....

see you next year ! lol !

.not really.....but in 3 -4 days. :-D

Saturday, September 12, 2009

sketch of Koi pond

I staid up most of the night. sketching.and searching for some elements to put in my Koi pond painting.
30 x 60 inches
( 2 1/2 feet x 5 feet )
I finally have come up with what I have in my head.
This could change a bit..but the overview will be about the same.
I am not sure of the color of the lotus' is not one of my favorite I will probably go with white., or yellow ?
I will have to look up if there are yellow lotus.

See you this week....when this will be half finished.

Maybe a 40 to 50 hour I will be busy :)

Have a good weekend !

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lotus..Finished :)

click on the photo for a larger view.

I am so happy...... :)
The Lotus painting came up pretty good.
Now what I had in mind..was a Koi pond.
The Lotus painting was a sort of test to see if I could get the flower & lily pads to look real.

The next a canvas.....30 x 60 inches..( I think I have one )..Lotus..lily pads..and 2 or 3 Koi fish swimming around.
I have to compose the sketch, so this will take me to Monday till I start.
I will post the first steps of the ''koi pond '' painting.

Have a good weekend ! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

zen time

I have always wanted to do a lotus.......
It is a sign of peace......and calm.
24 x 30 inches.
I started this yesterday morning......
Needs lots of details yet..( leaves & maybe ripples in the dark water...etc..) makes me smile.....up to I do every time I paint flowers.

Only 1/2 done..but I think it will be nice :)

Sorry for the blurry photo.

Just A thought

Just a thought this morning…….

Why is it when some Artists say they are professionals…then take months to do ONE painting.

( I am not talking about masterpieces here…full of interminable details… )

Having excuses… I am tired…….too busy..etc…I am sick…..

To me…….. being a professional artist …….as in all professions, is to work even if your not feeling good, if it was a paying job, you would have to go to work anyways..or louse your job.

I takes discipline…lots of it !

Free time is a bonus….if you choose free time over working on your artist profession…...well you will not go far.

If you get stuck on a painting…( this happens )..put it aside and start another one.

Only the most successful fine artists are able to support themselves solely through the sale of their works. Most fine artists have at least one other job to support their art careers.

Self-employed artists can set their own hours. They may spend much time and effort selling their artwork to potential customers or clients and building a reputation.

You have to be serious about the choice you made.

No one will take you seriously if you do 10 paintings a year.

Another thing that bugs me

….why ask for suggestions as how to finish your painting half way your painting is done..???

If it was in your head…why ask..just do it.

The more you ask around……….the more you will get different suggestions.

When you paint………. be willing to think over any good advice but ……..there is a danger that you may drift from your artistic course and loose the freshness of your idea. Be confident….. yet relaxed and use whatever technique in order that your inner artistic spirit is in control.

Do as you ‘’feel’’ it….it is part of you…right !!?? …and not every Tom, Dick and Hairy’s way of seeing. YOUR art.

And no it’s not directed to anyone… is just my inner thoughts this morning.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A touch of abstract realism

10 x 30 inches.......on a Gallery Canvas.

Abstract Realism.
My goal in creating this close-up focus on form and movement is to entice the viewer to search for the simple beauty in the details of natural features that otherwise may be passed by unnoticed and unappreciated.

I will be doing more of theses..not only with flowers..but all nature around us.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sunset kitty..:)

Something easy this week..although I did start another one......but something is wrong with either the cam battery.or the cam battery holder.
BF....will be back tonight so I will have him look at it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Turning a page

Well.....someone reported me on twitter ? both my accounts for inappropriate activity ?.......heh?

This is crazy..why ?
Anyways they will tell me ( I hope ) the IP of this person.
I decided to also close my facebook account.........befour something like this happens again.
I guess the more public you go.........the more you open doors to weirdos..and nut cases..

Anyways.* sigh*

Here is what I am doing this week.
18 x 24
I will let you imagine what the background is.....;-)

And the other the next painting for Akonye Kena .
They can not print another painting till the prints of my painting '' the Eyes Of The Future '' get low in stock.
So this one gives me time to paint it.
I thought it reminded me of Hope for Tomorrow....... :)

see you later this week..........!