Monday, January 2, 2023

 2nd  January.....

did the second coat..and the stencil is on for the final steps

the small canvas 5 x 7 is for tests before starting the sand...... and the blueish - unwhitened titanium paint is for the sky.

The canvas is 30 x 40 inches.I should have it finished maybe the 9th......( Monday )

I have to go back to the optometrist.....the 3rd time ! They canot do glasses that fit my eyesight ?

*sigh* I hope they can redo my glasses within 3 weeks......

I have an old pair I can use...but my vision is not perfect with them. Anyways.......with the "new " is not better. Getting old sucks !  ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Š

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