So I have one left :)
This came at just the right time.......
I could not finish my cougar face as I do not have enough paints ( colors ), so I put it aside for now.
Friday morning..I took out 2 canvases...and did the sketch for the Zebra's face.
It took me a couple of hours.........to get the ''exact '' proportions on both sides of face on canvas.
This took my mind off all the infructuous job searching that I have been doing for the past 3 - 4 months.
I guess no one wants an overweight handicapped, ugly old lady.
I even checked myself into a ladies homeless shelter last Friday , to take off the financial strain off my boy friend.
Maybe you are thinking this is crazy...but it isn't ......this way I was thinking of retrieving my independence..and not living on my generous friends hand-outs.
I just can not accept this anymore.
This is NOT me...... normally I am the one who helps.....Where has gone my pride and independence ?
Right now I am just numb to ANY emotions.
Anyways..back to the Dyptique.
2 x 24 inches....so when finished ( this week ) will be around 50 x 24 inches in all.
I am putting the focus on the eyes of the Zebra........ half opened....An inner feeling that I have to close myself out the outside world.....I will have this reflection on my Zebra.
I hope that you are ok. if you need to talk to someone you have my email address.
Take care!
Thank you Claire :)
Give a hug to everyone for me.....
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