It's been almost 2 months since my last blog post.
I have lived ups and downs.......and must admit ...and an attempted suicide.
I am not dramatizing this.....but it has helped me to fight for life.
I am still psychologically week.........very...........but I accepted the fishing trip my boyfriend has been insisting to go.
3 days......up Quebec North......4 hours from us....then another 2 in the wilderness.
Just being out of the City sounds......and hearing nothing..or almost...will do wonders for me.
I said yes this morning.
I had an idea.......for a painting....and yes I will paint this..when I get back from fishing......
Solitude..........I only cropped a part of what is my mind........if all goes well.......I should show it to you in 2-3 weeks....
It is hard for me to re-start painting.....but I admit........it is part of me.......like an organ.
2 weeks.......see you then....
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