Despite my dedication I am getting nowhere trying to interest any provincial gallery, let alone a Quebec City one.
I am spending a LOT on promotions, exposure, and in vain.
Most of my part-time hard job money goes to this..leaving me with almost nothing for art supplies.......and let alone any luxury.
I do sell a few things, mainly through friends, and to new customers, ( on the web ) but not in a consistent way.
In the last month, I had 4 people interested ( and I mean REALLY interested ) in buying some art.
They all backed out, leaving me heart broken almost seeing the money fly away.
Am I really a bad painter and should I give up?
I was told by 4 Art Galleries, animal art does not sell in Quebec ( the whole Provence )....unless I had a solid art formation.
Being self-taught , and having almost nothing on an art resumé, does not help.
4 or 5 years ago...I did apply to University Laval, ( art degree courses ).....I was accepted..but I didn't realize just how much money this would cost.
I do call every year or so, just to find out if I am still a worthy candidate student.
I am.
So frustrating not to have the funds.
This week I will call a Government organisation to see if they will help me out.
I had a bad work accident back in 1999.....and I have a compensation for this ( handicap ) till I am 65.
The compensation is about the price of my apartment lease. ( at least this gets payed )
I still have the courage to work......to pursue my dream, even though doing upholstery....is really taking out a physical toll on me.
Yes....... I was one of the first ladies in Quebec City doing this hard trade.
This may sound cruel and simplistic, but to get a decent ride on the train of joy, many artists need to spend more time shovelling coal.
Am I part of theses ?............it seems so.
Maybe they ( Government ) can help me recycle to being a full time artist ?
I think I have the talent....or do I?
'Never give up' in the words of Winston Churchill are very important words that motivate and keep a body and soul together. It is hard these days to be an artist.
Failing is not a disgrace.
................or is it ?
OH LUCIE!!!! I just about stopped breathing when I saw this! DO NOT GIVE UP! You are an amazing artist and your day will come. Are there no scholarships or bursaries you could apply for to pay for the schooling? I'm not farmiliar with how things work in Quebec but I know here, there are councillors at the schools to help guide you through applying for these things. If you get a really clever councillor your schooling could be virtually free! Anyways, don't give up! I was going to be contacting you next month about commissioning two paintings....one for my son of his 2 geckos and one for me of my kitties. We'll talk! Stay strong hunny!!! XOXOXOX
It has been a really hard decision......Tanya.
I pulled ALL the strings..over the years..this is a baccalauréat of arts course.
This will / would make me credible...in the art world.
Evey year I go to the Canadian council of arts, ( for inspiring artists funds ).( as I am not a pro )
No luck yet.
I guess I am just tired.
One step forward..2 steps back.
I gave it a 5 month shot last summer..and it was hard being totally broke....although it was the best 5 months in a very long time.
I guess this is the rant & reflections of MANY artists out there.
I am not different.
I am not sure as of yet..it is a 50 / 50 thing in my mind.
Art is a bitter sweet thing for me...it gives me joy..but sadness at the same time.
It seems that '' true '' artists are prone to depressions..as they give so much..of them in the art...the down-fall after finished is like lousing a part of them.
To others looking for ''fame'' the are neutral to this emotion.
Thanks for caring hunny !
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