Why I paint………where does the passion come from ?
Why do I sometimes give away my passion?
I think all artists have root causes and inspirations.
Mine is quiet simple.
As a child, a military family raised me.
We moved around a lot.
Some times less than a year in one city, on the Base.Then we packed up…and moved again.
I can honestly say I had about 25 ‘’ home towns “ when I was young.
Friends were hard to get, as all of the Military children, we became close, then……it was time to say goodbye to our new friend.
A sentiment of abandonment was always present.
( Mine was even bigger, as I was adopted……… and this sentiment will with me forever.)
The loss of a friend or friends as a child is always heart wrenching.
So as we moved to a new location…… I drew & painted .
This was my only friend for the first month or so.
I isolated myself from further hurtful losses…… I was protecting myself from further heartbreaks.
The only other companions were animals…and Nature.
If there was a wood, park.or any inhabited area,,,,you can be sure I was there. Nature was always a comfort to me. I knew it would always be there for me.
I ran away to those parts….and I was a constant source of worry to my parents.
I was always a very social person…so when school started….I made friends.
My art seemed to attract people.
I gave all my art away when I was young.
To me it was like a part of me stayed with the new-lost friend when my Father got transferred to another Military base, and new city..
No matter how I loved those little paintings or sketches….I knew part of ME would stay in their hearts.
I have lost touch with maybe 100 ‘’best ‘’ friends in my childhood.
100 times my heart was broken…..the sentiment of abandonment was almost unbearable at this time in my live.
Art has always put a healing balm on my heart..and I continue to share…….as if I want part of me in someone’s heart.
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