I have a medium sized canvas left.....and limited paints ( colors )
So I think I will paint this week......with the colors I have in my studio.
I was hoping to start the ''raven ''.....but I am missing paints ( back & purple )
I could do some mixtures......to get those colors, but with airbrush paints it is harder, and I need to keep '' some '' colors on hand.
I did about 3 hours of computer cutting, gluing , drawing multipule subjects , and I came up with this.
I feel like going underwater for once.......there is a calming feeling in the ocean.
I chose the Nautilus (from Greek ναυτίλος, 'sailor') Having survived relatively unchanged for millions of years, and are often considered "living fossils."
The second subject in the painting will be a shipwreck. ( background )
This louses us in time.........two things from the past..and still present now.
I will post the ''canvas '' steps by steps this week, so keep an eye on my blog. :)
Have a good week everyone !