For those of you that are friends with me on Facebook, take note I left.
Maybe for a couple of months, and I do not know if I will go back.
Facebook was too time consuming to me, and with a part time job, all the free time I had left
( instead of painting ) was taken up there.
I do miss the people though. Some are online friends that I have had for over 6 + years.
That is the sad part of it, but I am doing this for me.
For those reading this, you can always email me or leave a comment.
I miss you !
Now I have to use this time to paint, and create new ideas for a dream of mine.
An art gallery !
Have a good day everyone ! :)
Good luck Lucie. I will be reading your blog so keep us updated.
Hi Lucie. I was wondering what happend. I'll email you my address soon. I'm sorry you felt FB, but I can understand. I may be leaving too. Now that chemos done I'm looking for work and getting a website started.
Native American Prayer;
May your path ahead be well traveled and without to many pepples. Left you feet find their way with the help of all relations.
I'll keep praying for you.
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