I have been offered to expose.....
Well I guess after putting it off and declining offers for so long, I thought I might try it.
Lack of confidence...yes that is part of it.
But most important was the pricing.
I sell at a ''certain'' price.........the Art Galleries blow up by 50 %
I was..and still am confused about this.
Below is a very good blog written by :
Clint WatsonA Pricing Question
by Clint Watson on 12/12/2006 4:49:52 PM I agree, prices should be listed on an artist's site and I do list mine, but I wonder how other artists handle this problem. On your site you have an 18x24 listed at $1,000, now that piece has been accepted into a show that takes a 40% commission, & shipping is your responsibility. Your work is now priced at the exhibition for $1,700 but prospective buyers at the show could buy it from your website for $1,000, why would they pay $1,700 at the show??? How do other artists handle this?I would like to adress a few things here. I'm not sure what painting specifically to which the reader refers. As I am not personally a painter, it is not one of my pieces. However, I see some issues here. I'm not sure why the painting would be marked up 70% to go to a show, but that is unacceptable. Shipping is not $700. The painting should be the essentially the same price at the show and on the individual artist web site. In other words, if you deal with shows or galleries, your retail prices should always account for the gallery commission.
Let me say this again to be clear:
Your prices should be essentially the same wherever your work is sold.Now I understand that there is sometimes a transition period from an artist who has been selling everything directly and is now selling in galleries or shows. But once you reach a professional point of selling in galleries, the prices of the work will need to reflect that. You will need to get through that transition point as quickly as possible. Pricing work on a web site that undercuts your gallery pricing is a bad idea.
Think about it this way. You make 60% of the price for creating the work. The gallery (or show) makes 40% of the price for selling the work. If you sell the work from your own web site then you deserve both the 60% and the 40%. But the price the customer pays is still 100% - exactly as if he had bought it in the gallery.
Here's another thought. Put yourself in a customer's shoes. Let's say an art collector falls in love with your artwork and buys a piece from a gallery. Now the customer visits your web site and finds out that everyone else pays 40% less than he did. He'll feel like a fool and it will make him wonder if your work is really worth anything at all.
Just some of my thoughts on pricing.
Clint Watson
Software Craftsman and Art Fanatic
link to this blog :
Very good read isn't it ?
The problem....( well not really a problem )
Is that They sell before I have enough to have a decent show.
I do not want to go solo for now......I need more experience and maturity in my art.
Even though I have local clients.........that were just waiting for me to throw paint at canvases again.....I am sure they want to by from me....and not give a % to an art gallery.
Anther side I saw ( this week )....is that a brought down a price for one of my paintings....( needed to pay bills )
.....and got the '' why so low....isn't it good '' answer.
A lesson learnt...stick to your prices.
I remember the first I sold on ebay.........YES ebay..*sigh*
55$.......for a painting that was worth....around 600.00
Plus..........I payed for shipping.....so I was at loss.
3 days of work...canvas....paints....and had to pay shipping.
So.......I literally paid to sell it.
A loss of a bit over 500.00 $
But.......the customer was happy.
I am waiting from 2 customers........one is for the Zebras ( finished this week.....)
The other is for the Tiger head......
I gave them my price....closed my eyes....and now I am waiting. I am not bring down my prices...well maybe a 100 $ but not more. (
see...I am doing it again...lol )
That time is finished....
So for those who were lucky enough to get my paintings a a low price.....I am glad for you.
For those who asked me to paint for them...and found the ( low ) price to high..well that is sad.
You had the opportunity to have someone to express what you wanted....take time........and passion to do it..and didn't respect the artist.
Others do not even bat en eye at the price....they respect the work of the artist.
Sounds harch ?
Not really..think about it..
Lets say you work ( office work ) 30 hours..pay your gas..your paper..your computer time...feed yourself...do over time...ship your product.....etc.....
and then get a big $100 or maybe $ 200 for your work ?
.....well ?
.........I though so....
So why me...... as an artist should I be underpaid ?
I am not asking for tens of thousands for my paintings...just something I can live by...and buy art supplies..to get a better quality of work in time.