I really want to go to a forum and ask what people would buy ( animal painting ).
Some subject that could sell.
I want to support a foundation for wildlife conservation.
Maybe a 50 % or more.
I had thought of a Polar bear..and give the Polar Bears International the profits of the sale.
You might think, well that's nice, but believe me it is hard to give to a foundation or organization.
They think you will use the foundations name...for your profit.
I do this secretly as of now, imagine.......I can not say to whom I will make a donation publicly.
Its not for self esteem...but if the buyer knows where the profits will go.....it could be easier to sell and the funds go to where I want them to be useful.....''the animals ''.
Give me an answer..or suggestion !!!!
The '''eye of the zebra'' above was given to the WSAP years ago..for their funds campaign.
The story behind the zebra is :
In the eye you can see the reflection of a lion, The zebras last known wild mortal enemy, Befour man poached the skin for rugs.
This is the endangered Mountain zebra.....
The Mountain zebra was hunted to near extinction with less than 100 individuals by the 1930s. However the population has increased to about 700 due to conservation efforts.
Sad outcome for this beautiful peaceful animal.
The 2008 Red List was released on 6 October 2008, at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona, and "has confirmed an extinction crisis, with almost one in four [mammals] at risk of disappearing forever" .[6] The study shows at least 1,141 of the 5,487 mammals on Earth are known to be threatened with extinction, and 836 are listed as Data Deficient.[7]
Time to do something folks !!!
Suggest me something to paint to help ( even if it is one ) the animals. !