Tuesday, August 3, 2010

rock on part 2...

Well this is a start for adding the colors.......
Not sure about the Big Blue rock though.........it's bugging me :(
Since this will be ''almost '' the focal point...I will try to fix it up at the end.
I will be adding more Green rocks..and adding the textures.
I had thought of adding a leaf.....but it would be confusing......with all the colors of the rocks.....it will be too busy for the eye.
Water is a must though.......it will add movement and life.
This will be tricky...

I will post once finished.. :)

Have a good day !

Monday, August 2, 2010

rock on !

I do not know why the canvas has a blue hue to it.....lol
Anyways.......this is a 18 x 24 beginning ( sketch of rocks )
I think I will add a bit of water going through the rocks....maybe a leaf or two........ floating around.
I had a bit of a set back last week.I was doing a LOT of paper work.and going through one of my 330 page file.
Sorting out..typing notes .
Was hard to concentrate , as I had this painting in my mind.
I hope my notes are ok..... paper work is not my thing.
That is done.....yes !....., so I can get back at my painting.......

See you Wednesday..and I already have an idea for the next painting.
Things are flooding my mind right now.
