I always felt different in my life...
Somehow I knew things or anticipated them before happening.
I am not saying I an a medium.or something like that..lol
Something jump-started my brain..2 months ago.....along the new job.
Problem solving.
Research and development technician.
It was just too easy doing this job.......I started wondering why?
I surprised myself in this job....and the BOSS too...and I started to wonder what the teachers at school ( long time ago ) told my parents....... ''gifted child ''
I took the MENSA test...and was accepted.
Just limit....but 141 is OK.
One Mensian told me this :
Because I am smart, I will feel hurt deeper, sense danger quicker when others are oblivious, and find myself thinking differently to the rest. He also said that I will discover simple joys quicker, live truer and enjoy the gifts of life in ways that others blithely may not.
He hit this on the nail.......
Intelligence isn't limited to our IQ. But to have this ability to learn quickly along with the enthusiasm to apply what one has learned, however small, is a driving force in growth of intellect, I believe.
now I know..once I learn something....why I get easily bored with it after.
Some things I find just too easy at first try...I guess I know why now.
I am constantly searching to outdo myself....in live..art...work....
Relationships were a bit different. In a situation so close and intimate, I knew I wanted a partner who could laugh with me while watching a silly movie, or share my excitement over the nature of what "is" or "is not," etc. My BF and I are our own worst devil's advocates - and it IS fun.